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Our brasserie La Ripaille Grand Hotel d'Orléans Grand Hotel d'Orléans

Hotel in Toulouse
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Our brasserie La Ripaille

La Ripaille : Brasserie de la gare

Toulouse, it is also all about festive meals, tables drunk flooded of music and liberty. In the more Toulouse of all the hotel, La Ripaille, iconic brasserie of the Pink City has just re-open ! Since 1972, it was the HQ of Toulouse, open 24/7, the “”musicos”” on tour and their friends came here to eat their rib steak and fries at four in the morning.

The third generation has decided to make it a lair for business lunch and group meals. It is on this music note that the restaurant plays on nowdays. Breakfast, business lunch, group meals, afterworks…. La Ripaille, train station’s mythic brasserie, is awaiting you with a smile of connivance.

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